Heart and Soul – Contemplative Gatherings

Heart and Soul is a contemplative spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Sessions follow a regular pattern, including readings and music from an eclectic range of sources, time for guided prayers of gratitude, compassion for others, self-reflection, and silent meditation. These gatherings are an opportunity to get to know others at a deeper level. Newcomers are always welcome. Our Minister Jane holds regular sessions on Zoom at 7pm on Sundays and Fridays (email jane@kensington-unitarians.org.uk to sign up and get the link).

We also hold in-person gatherings at Essex Church on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm (20th Dec 2023, 17th Jan 2024, 21st Feb 2024, 20th March 2024 etc.) If you are intending to attend in-person please note our Covid-safety requirements: if you have a sore throat, runny nose, cough, or other symptoms of viral illness we ask you to stay at home until you’re feeling better and join us via Zoom instead in order to help protect vulnerable members of our community. 


A group of seven people sitting on picnic blankets in the park on a summer's evening for an outdoor 'Heart and Soul' spiritual gathering.